Animal Emergency: The Right Way to Help an Animal in Need
Image by freepik Life can be unpredictable, even for wildlife. An animal emergency is something anyone can encounter at any time. Hence, it’s imperative that people know how to react. What the wilderness offers differs from what the city can inflict on animals. While...
How to Teach Children to Be Kind Without Endangering Them
Image by freepik Kindness goes a long way. It not only creates a peaceful atmosphere but also helps people connect. This is why parents must teach children to be kind. But how should they remind them of the risks? It doesn’t cost anything to be kind. This quote should...
Friends Furever: Pets’ Impact on Child Development
Photo by Leo Rivas on Unsplash Pets may commonly be associated with companionship and playtime. But they also have a positive impact on child development and overall health. In discussions of childhood milestones, a common event parents often miss to treasure is the...
Pet 911: Fundamental First Aid For Pets Owners Must Know
Photo by Spring Fed Images on Unsplash It’s saddening seeing animals get hurt and in pain. However, first aid for pets isn’t as formally discussed or practiced as its counterpart for humans despite its importance. Learning first aid is basic human knowledge. However,...
Ducks as Pets: Pros and Cons to Consider
Photo by Matheus Bertelli Ducks as pets could be a journey and a learning experience about handling different types of animals because they have the attitude that you equal the needs of other pets. You might think, what other animals are good as pets? You might have...
Animal Welfare: Teaching Children To Care For Animals
Photo by Holly Landkammer on Unsplash Children are taught and encouraged to be kind. But often, this gesture is limited to other kids and not much about animal welfare. Animals also deserve love and care. Although they aren’t as expressive and comprehensible as humans...